Friday, May 12, 2017

Recent Buy --GWW


This morning i made a purchase of GWW.Recently Lanny from Dividenddiplomats bought GWW and i decided to Add position in this Company.

I made a purchase of 50 shares at 185.68,this will add another $256 to my annual fund.

Whats do you guys think of my recent purchase.





  1. Awesome job. You went big on this one. Good job

  2. Desi -

    Love the purchase, especially as I own them : ) Massive move you have made with this aristocrat!


  3. yes,this a play trade ,will see if it works out

  4. I like the GWW buy. I just added some last week and a few weeks prior. Seeing GWW, at the time, trade with a nearly 3% yield was too hard to ignore. That's on the historical high side. Nice pick up!
