Thursday, June 1, 2017

May Dividend Report.

One more month flew away,May is in books.

This month I was there quite a bit activity in my accounts,involved some selling of positions and consolidating accounts. Initiated new position in GWW. Total Dividends for this Month are $195.61.Compared to 2016 May this is 17% more than last year.10 Companies Paid dividend this month.

Date   Company Dividend
22-May CAT      38.94
15-May HRL    7.82
8-May AGNC    4.73
1-May DE        15.12
1-May T           22.54
15-May PG       17.24
15-May O          5.28
18-May AAPL   63
1-May VZ          14.44
26-May SBUX    6.5



So how did you guys do last Month.


  1. Nice month with good YoY% growth. Lots of quality companies paying you. I own a few of the same and am looking to keep expanding when the opportunities arise. Great work!

  2. Thanks Dividend Daze,invested some money last year

  3. You put up some good year over year growth so all is good :) Nice seeing a few names in common and of course happy to be a fellow GWW shareholder now. Keep up the good work.

  4. Looks solid! I used to own AGNC ... had a yield of 15% back then :-)

  5. I got it from another dividend investor

  6. Inspired by all you guys ,i think for sometime future investment will be on hold.

  7. Nice results Desi, 17% increase! GWW hasn't been on my radar but I'll be sure to check them out as well. Thank you for sharing your results.

  8. Great report desidividend. You made more in one month than I'm currently projected to make in one year. I have several of the companies that paid you dividends in May, namely, O, T, PG, AAPL, HRL. I'm thinking about adding VZ and Starbucks, but only considering adding Starbucks because I go there everyday.

    Looking forward to more good reports. You can't argue with a 17% year-to-year increase.

  9. You will to see the snowball affect soon
