Saturday, August 12, 2017

How to buy Bitcoin,ETH,litecoin

The heading  says it's all.I have been meaning to try to buy Bitcoin for long time maybe 7 years or more.Never really took time the time to explore the ways to buy it until recently.

As many are aware that Bit Coin price zoomed up quite high.along with it some of smaller coins like lite coin,Ethereum. Bitcoin went up from around 900/coin to 3000 and Now its down to 2500 or so. Ethereum(ETH) went from $9/coin to 394/coin.Now there is  lot volatility in these markets.

From coindesk website you can see the charts.


Now i am not to make a big investments in these coins,but as mentioned before i want to get my hands on few of them.Lot of famous people either started accepting them or using them.

With all said i found that coin base is one of the website/app to buy the coin.All you need is to download the app and register and verfiy your id and then you are set to buy the coin.

Here is the first step in buying onlineScreenshot_20170812-084515
you can buy in almost any range and commission will be proportional for that.Screenshot_20170812-084538

I Bought some Lite coin and Ethererum coin.My current holdings in coinbase.

if anyone interested in using coinbase,leave me a message


  1. Thanks for writing about your bitcoin purchase experience. I don't see how these currencies can take off unless there is some sort of regulation and oversight over them.

  2. It seems to be taking off,yes for Mass acceptance we need some sort of regulations

  3. I started investing in cryptocurrency last month. I spread my investment our among a handful of coins. Here’s my post about it.

  4. Wow nice,you went in with more money than just some spare
