Friday, September 22, 2017

401k Purchases -VFIAX,PABGX,VSIAX

These are purchases in my retirement account and taxable account.

401K Buys

VFIAX: 1.01 Shares at $231.46 will add close to 4 dollars in dividend

PABGX: 0.85  share @91.283 will add close to 40 cents in dividend.

VIMAX: 0.43 Shares @ 180.71 will add around 1.2 dollars in dividends.

VSIAX:  2.89 shares @ 53.42  will add another $ 3 in dividends.

VTMGX: 16.8 shares @13.9 will add another $6.2 in  dividends.

A total of 750 dollars was invested this  period.

Getting close to the yearly limit .
This will add another 15 dollars my annual fund.


  1. Were you able to sneak in before the Vanguard funds announced and paid their dividends? The date of the article makes it close!


  2. No,there is a delay the way they process it
