Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Buy -T and Dividend Hike -VFC


With the share price of T down i added 12 more shares to my robinhood Account over 2 different days.With this the total number of shares i own for ATT is 69,trying to push it to to 100.

10/25/17 7 shares of T at 33.69 = 235.83

10/24/17 5 Shares of T at 35.05= 175 .25

This will add another $24 to my annual fund.

VFC has announced a dividend Hike of 10% ,since i own 52 shares this add another 8.32  to my annual fund, This is like investing  140 dollars in T.

So overall 32 dollars are added my annual Dividends.



  1. Nice buys. I opened a full position in T this morning on weakness. It has a lot of support around this level from the nearly 6% dividend yield.

  2. It seems to nice time to open in T,today price is lower than my earlier average price from last year.

  3. T is becoming too damn tempting at these prices. Nice pickup and add to your portfolio. Glad to see VFC delivered a strong increase to its shareholders! Congrats on all the great activity.

    Take care,


  4. Thanks Bert,yes i plan to add more if the prices are trending down a little more.Infact i am dripping into T today,will add 2 more shares

  5. Nice buy. As you commented on my blog, I made a similar buy. Nice job adding some yield.
