Thursday, November 30, 2017

November Dividend Report

Month 11  is in books and the time to report dividends.This month CVS started paying me dividend.This month 11 companies paid me $200.21 in dividends.

Date   Company Dividend
11/1/2017 T 27.93
11/15/2017 PG 17.24
11/15/2017 O 5.3
11/16/2017 AAPL 63
11/1/2017 DE 15.12
11/9/2017 AGNC 4.98
11/15/2017 NNN 2.85
11/15/2017 HRL 7.82
11/20/2017 CAT 39.45
11/1/2017 VZ 15.02
3-Nov CVS 1.5

Compared to 2016 November ,it is an increase of 68%.November
So how did you guys do this month.


  1. My November's dividend was $92.54 before DRIP or about where you were in 2015. This was a 93.23% increase over November 2016. Not a bad month at all.

  2. Good Man, its always nice to see the increase.

  3. Awesome, a 68% increase YOY is great. We have some common companies paying out dividends this last month.

  4. Good to hear man,can you share what are in common.

  5. Good job you can see the increase YOY that is awesome. Keep it up
