Sunday, March 4, 2018

February Dividend Report

Month 2 is in books and this was a busy month for me.I finally closed my first house and became a home owner and got Mortgage. 13 Companies paid me dividend this month to me. Total Dividends received this month are $249.27.
Compared to 2017 Feb it increased by 21%.
fe some of the increase in dividends is from companies raising dividends.

Here are the 13 companies that paid dividends to me.

How did you guys do this month.


  1. Awesome YoY dividend growth! I'm moving in a similar pace!

  2. Good luck man,hope to continue to the growth

  3. Goof job. lots of great companies paying you.Keep it up

  4. Desi, Congrats on a big month. Nice dividend income along with closing on a house!! Not to mention $63 alone coming from Apple! WHAT!?! Great work!

  5. Thanks MH,yes it was nice to see Earlier seeds are paying off now.

  6. Desi, I love the growth this month and the names of the companies you have received dividends from here in February. Keep planting those seeds and keep on crushing it!


  7. Engineering DividendsMarch 11, 2018 at 2:06 PM

    Looking good, desidividend! Your YoY growth for each of the past 2 years is what it's all about. I agree with MH, Wow on that AAPL dividend! We share 5 dividend-paying companies from this month.
    Congrats on closing on the house.... exciting times ahead.

  8. Keep doing what you're doing. You are making solid year over year progress for several years. Clearly on the right track. Nice to see a handful of common names paying us for the month. Keep up the good work.

  9. 21% is awesome growth, great to see your hard working paying off so well isn't it? Keep it up.

  10. Thanks DH,its all inspiration from you guys.

  11. Thanks ED,yes the new house is nice ,AAPL was good one.
