Monday, September 10, 2018

BUY & Dividend Increases

This last week i added 6 shares of T  at 32.13 for a Total of 192.77. This will add another $12 to my annual Fund .I considered adding MO,maybe in next few days.

Two of the stocks in my portfolio announced dividend Hikes.

BBL  went from 1.1 to 1.26 and i have 63 shares  in my account.This Will add additional $20 in my account.

VZ also announced   quarterly dividend by 2.1% to 60.25 cents a share. I have 27 shares of  VZ and this will increase my fund $1.35

Overall all this actions added  $33 to my Fund.



  1. Desi -

    Nice job with the purchase, adding income!!


  2. 33 dollars add is a good chunk of change in dividends. Love the T buy and possible MO.

  3. Before i could buy MO jumped 4 dollars up
