Tuesday, December 4, 2018

November Dividend Report

This is the second last of the year.This month 12 companies paid me  and AAPL/T being the biggest Payers.

This month i received $283.3  from my companies.

Here is the list of the companies that paid me.

November Divided

Compared to last year this $82 more  and its 41% increase.



This month  i added

4  Shares of T at 30.90 on 11/7

2 Shares of MO at $57 on 11/16.

These 2 transactions will add $14.60 in Dividends to my annual Funds.

So how did you guys do this month.



  1. Desi -

    Good Lord that's a massive dividend from Apple, send some my way!


  2. Hey there!
    Just wondering if you do (and recommend) dividend-reinvestment (DRIPs)? Or do you just use the dividend money to buy other positions?

  3. I do Both ,depending on my brother,sometime if i have free trades i let the money in account and use it.If not i will let them Drip.
