Monday, February 11, 2019

2019 BUYS Part 2-- MO,T

This is the second Buy of the Year for me.

6 Shares of MO at 48.42  . This will bring the Total Shares in my account  21 and this will add $19.2 dollars to the account.

9 Shares of T at 30 and this will add another $18 to my account and i am coming close to a full position in my Robinhood account.

So these two purchases add  $37 to my account .



  1. Nice purchases! I'm also invested in T and have my eyes on MO.

    Unfortunately, my exposure to tobacco stocks is already quite high. So, I have to think carefully whether I really want to add more to this sector. Tough decision!

    Keep up the good work!

    - David

  2. I am just beginning to add MO in my account.

  3. Like both buys as I'm looking at the same stocks for my Feb. buy. Still haven't made a buy this month but will do before we see March!

  4. Most of the time smaller buys i make are from dividends .

  5. Desi -

    Nice job adding more capital, you're doing this!


  6. Thanks lanny, mostly its from dividends i do add some capital when needed.

  7. Good purchase. I predict that MO will decrease more.

  8. Yes they may,i will add little more to the position
