Friday, March 1, 2019

2019 February Dividend Report

Time is flying off in new year and this month i received dividend payments from 12 companies and the total i received for this month is $298.97  just little  over a 1 short on the 300 Number.

AAPL/T are  the biggest contributors for this month .They contributed almost 50% of my dividends this month . It's almost like receiving $10 a day  from the companies.

Here is the list of companies that paid me this month vs last year .Feb Dividends

if you have noticed for last few months i have been added few of shares of T  and now its bearing the fruit.

CVS added 3  shares yesterday @ 58.5 and dividends would show up in the May report.

Compared to 2018 its an increase of 20% .

Overall dividends received this  year so far are $728.28


So how did everyone do last month .


  1. CanadianPassiveIncomeMarch 2, 2019 at 2:27 AM

    nice desi

    great yr over yr growth and like those companies.

    keep it up.

  2. Desi -

    Nice job, CAT, T are looking awesome for you. Keep it up DD.


  3. Yep, some new capital and dividend hikes are giving good yoy.

  4. Yes ,added more T last few days.I will be full in few more days.

  5. pennypinchingperksMarch 10, 2019 at 1:25 AM

    Nice dividends you got paid. Who wouldn’t want an extra $300?

