Monday, August 26, 2019

Recent Transactions

In the last  few weeks market presented quite a few chances to average down on some of the companies  in my account.

So i Bought 3 T @ 33.55  on 8/5.

8/5 Added 1 share of MMM at 167.27

8/23 Added 1 share of MMM at 156.47

These will add another $17 to my account.

Due to multiple credit card spending requirements for meeting Bonus ,i have to slow it down  on the buying till i accumulate cash in my account.These Credit card bonus have paid for my Recent Vacation in orlando . Flights were on american airlines deals,hotels were hyatt card and  Universal and legoland were Sweepstakes Wins.

In other news my current company is acquired by a much bigger Company . With this they stopped deductions from paycheck for 401k. My older company didn't have any matching programs.Newer Company has 3% matching. So hopefully will try to max out matching by the end of the year.



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