Tuesday, September 3, 2019

2019 August Dividend Report

Here are the dividends received for the month of August in my account.15 Companies paid dividends during this month and almost $14 a day.Total dividends received this month are $429.86.

August 2019

T is the biggest contributor for me this month with AAPL close second .Compared with last August this was 54% increase ,i have been adding T for last few quarters and trying to get it  200 Shares. Au2019

Due to market fluctuations  and some credit card spending to meet spending thresholds for bonus this month ,my Networth reduced by 2.25%  .

so how did everyone do this month.



  1. Solid month with some great companies paying you! Liking the SBUX payments, have been watching that one. Keep up the good work!


  2. Great month you had. good payers from T AAPL and ABBV that brought it home.

  3. Thanks,yeah ,should have added more SBUX at 60,will see if it comes back
