Monday, November 18, 2019

Buy ----2019-S Enhanced Reverse Proof American Eagle silver dollar

As  you see this is not a regular buy of stock or ETF. It a limited edition silver coin that was offered on 11/14 at 11 am CST by the US Mint and it was sold out in less than 20 minutes. It was lucky for me  to get one of the 30000 coins.

This was my first ever coin purchase from mint on the release date.Previously i bought coins from Ebay APMEX store. The reason i got was out of curiosity and see if i could get one with such huge rush  . After some troubles with  getting the order and website crashing and refreshes i was able to order 1  and it was confirmed . Eagerly waiting for the coin to see if it worth the hype. Mean while the coin prices are going crazy on ebay  like this  or this one  ,prices are fluctuating between  400 to all the way 2000.


Will decide once i get the coin to either keep it or sell it.Does any of the DGI members collect coins ?.



1 comment:

  1. I collect coins and specifically American Silver Eagles. I got locked out from the Mint website and did not get one, and I’ve been watcjing Ebay, but it is still way too pricey for me, so I will wait for prices to subside.
