Sunday, December 8, 2019

Recent Purchases ---HD,MA,MMM,WRK

I have been small purchases  for the last few days in different accounts.

12/3 5 Shares of CSCO at $44.06

12/3 1 Share of HD at 213.85,this is a new position position,that i will start adding more whenever i have more dollars. This i was able to before the Ex-dividend date,so i will collect the dividend this month.

12/3 1 share of WRK at 39.27

12/4 1 share of MA at 288.1 This is a new position for me.

12/5 1 share of MMM AT 164.73. This i have been averaging Down.

Retirement Accounts

12/3 1 share of GILD at 65.33

12/5 2 shares of WFC at $53.32.


All theses new purchases add another $28.46 in annual Dividends.I am keeping an eye  on any of these companies to make purchases before the end of the year. New year if the prices of BA still being lower that will be one of  my Purchases in my Roth IRA.




1 comment:

  1. Desi -

    Damn, just awesome. Adding income, just adding income. Love it.

