Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Recent Investment --FUNDRISE

This month i put in new capital to work in Fundrise. I added another $500 to my existing capital.This is the third time adding capital ,first time since 2016 .My dividends are also being reinvested .Thinking of doing $500 quarterly investment in fundrise or semi annually .

For Q4 i received 35.54 Dividends which are reinvested as follows.Compared to 2018 Q4 this is $3 less in dividends.

Since i started investment in fundrise in 2016 ,so far received $490 in dividends and $311 in appreciation.

Any one else investing in fundrise or crowd street or similar platforms.


  1. Desi -

    LOVE LOVE Fundrise! Congrats on the additional investment, I'm sure it'll pay "dividends" for you, literally.


  2. Congrats Desi! That's what I'm talking about. I've loved my Fundrise investment and building it has been a treat.

    Enjoy the email updates and project statuses.


  3. Thanks,yes i think i will add slowly into it this year
