Sunday, March 1, 2020

2020 Feb Dividend Report

Month 2 is in books and quickly time is almost approaching quarter end. This month i have been paid by 16 companies .
Total Dividends received for this month is  $445.76. Compared to last February this is like 30% more . Its almost like $15 received everyday of the month. 
Looking at the numbers from last year we can see the impact of dividend increases on AAPL,CAT  and New additions made in last year .

ATT is approaching $100 dividends in Quarter that is  really Good.
AAPL,CAT,ABBV are also contributing significantly. 

Some of the new stocks  in this report compared to last Year are Abbv,MA,GD.


2020 Dividend Goals:
This Year the goal is to achieve 11k in Dividends .So far i  have received 7.4% of the Goal.
So how did everyone do this Month.

1 comment:

  1. Impressive haul of dividend, DesiDividend. Nice YoY growth. I look forward to seeing you surpass 11k. I achieved 74% YoY growth, but my numbers are much smaller than yours. Keep it up.
