Saturday, August 1, 2020

2020 July Dividend Income

Time is flying ,world is different ,Hope we get the treatment/vaccine soon. July is in books.
Overall 20 Companies paid me dividends this month ,From companies that paid me dividends in April
CXW completely Cut dividends and VTR and Fundrise reduced by  $25 each .

Overall dividends received in July are 416.32 which is a new record for the month of July Since i started tracking my dividends.

Compared to my 2019 July this is 13% increase with all these cuts.
JPM/CINF Are new additions to the portfolio.

July Month Comparison over the Years.

2020 Dividends.
Before the Pandemic i hoped to receive 11k  in dividends with increases,new addition of funds .
So Far i am at 42% of the Goal with 5 more Months to Go and i am starting to think it will be stretch Goal .

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