Thursday, December 17, 2020

Expired options -Covered calls SPCE,ASPS.

 Since I Acquired  100 shares of SPCE  in February of this year at $38.05 I started writing covered calls  to recover the capital and always write the call out of the money ,so that i wont lose the shares , now this yields low option price and I am ok with that.

So Far I wrote  16 covered calls either weekly or biweekly if the option price is low. 3 times I bought my call back so that I can write an expensive call this costed me total of $16. This way I recovered $654.

You can see my current call expires next Thursday .Only last week when SPCE rallied all the way to $35.73 ,that was only close one.

ASPS: This is another one i have been writing monthly calls ,as there is not much activity on weekly calls.

Now this one is interesting ,as my latest call is almost in the money and it seems to be certain to get called away .I am Ok with it being called away also. As my average share price is less than $10.Now if it doesn`t get called ,will be writing $15 Call as that seems to fetch more money.

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