Tuesday, May 4, 2021

2021 April Dividend Income report

 April Month is  done and  time is flying very quickly .This month 19 companies paid me dividends and compared to last year  2 new companies paid dividends and  they are CINF and JPM.

Total Dividends received this month are $446.87 Compared to 2020 its almost like no gain.

As seen from the tables below they are some cuts that happened in my account and not fully returned like FXAIX,NLY and CXW. CXW i sold the company  last year and dividend income is not completely replaced. VTR also i sold part of the position.

Dividend Reinvestment:

Since early this year some of the  dividends are  being Dripped. This  month following dividends are dripped.

2021 Dividends:  So far till April i have received 25.3%  of my goal (11K Dividends),same time last year i was at 22%,so this year its progressing at better rate.

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