Thursday, July 8, 2021

2021 June Dividend Report

 Q2 Completed and now i am ready with another monthly dividend report. This one surprised me as  one of my funds payed me a huge dividend.  This month i received total dividends of $2250.84,Big reason  for  this is payment from RERGX, last year  and this quarter they paid negligible dividends .Another reason for my confusion is  RERGX split the payment as capital gain, but most websites are reporting as dividend.

Comparing with 2020 June  this is a big gain due to Rergx,but we had other increases in dividend payees.


Comparing to 2020 June  i had 3 dividend reductions  with WFC being big cut of $45.

2021 Dividend Goal: With the unexpected payment from RERGX, I am at 50.5% of my goal of 11k.For month of July special dividend payment from Trow should also help.

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