Sunday, January 9, 2022

2021 December Dividends

 Final Month of 2021 is in books and I received very good Dividends for this month and this helped me achieve my goal of 11k in Dividends for 2021 .Total Dividends for this month are $2881 and most of them are my from retirement accounts $2881 and this a new Record for December and This pushed my 2021 Dividends to 12.5K for the year. This is almost 1k a  month 

Compared to 2020 December  my dividends were up by $1200 and 71%.Now some of increase came from dividend hikes and other from New investment like LMT,AVGO


Currently the quarter ends are the big numbers  and January seems to be the lowest dividend month for me. I am trying to add more funds if possible .

2022 Dividend Goal: This year I am hoping to achieve 14K in dividends .

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