Saturday, October 15, 2022

2022 SEPTEMBER Dividend Report

September is done and i had a good month for dividends and i received over $2500 in dividends for this  Month ,This is the highest amount i received for a  month for this year and 3rd highest since I started tracking dividends. With this months dividends i crossed over $10k in dividends for the year.

2022 September Dividends

This Quarter is showing my recurring buys for HD,MMM,LMT and AVGO. Compared to 2021 September this over 30% increase.

2022 Dividend Goal: With this Quarter i reached 72% of my Goal of 14K in dividends for  the year.
if i receive the same amount of dividends i received in last Quarter of 2021 ,then i have a chance to cross my Goal.

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