Friday, September 28, 2018

Final Buys of the Month : STWD,T,VTR

I added few more shares of the following companies in different accounts.

I added 24 shares of STWD at 21.60  for $518.52 adding $46 to my account.I did this before the ex day so would get dividend next month.

I added 3 shares of T at 33.39  for a total of $100.17 adding  $6  to my account.

Added 1 share of VTR at $54  and adding $3.16 to my account.


All these actions added $55 to my annual dividend Fund.



  1. Nice Desi! Those are some great companies right there. Enjoy the extra income. I'd say you got a pretty nice bang for your buck here with those purchases.


  2. yep ,market is presenting some buying chances
