Saturday, September 22, 2018

Speculative Buys & Sells -TLRY&NBEV

Out of my normal pattern this week i have bought and sold 2 different stocks for small gain. This was me testing the waters of day trading . This week everyone was watching TLRY. I have been watching TLRY since it was at $40, Using my robinhood account i just bought 2 shares of TLRY at $208.99 and sold them at $228.02 ,if i had little more patience on that day i would have gained few more bucks.

Other one i bought and sold is NBEV on 9/20 .I bought 73 shares of NBEV at $ 6.84 and sold them at @ 7.27 for a gain of 30 Bucks.

So in overall 2 days i did make it to positive territory .



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