Tuesday, April 2, 2019

March Dividend Report

Time is flying on 2019 and month 3 is in books. Its a new record for me for the month of March .My first 4 digit payment for March ever .Since the start of this year i am including all my accounts for Dividends.

I received a total of $1017  ,Majority of it coming from retirement accounts. Compared to last year one of retirement account to rebalanced and this cut me around $200 in dividends for this month,but still its  Good Month.

Total Dividend received this year is 1745.

I have been adding smaller amounts of shares in T,LADR, CVS,BA.

Here are the dividends received this month.


[gallery ids="925,926" type="rectangular"]

I am thinking of improving on some of these low number dividends ,but i feel they are super expensive   . For example Visa i paid 90 or so and now its close to double.I may add MMM  when it comes down a little.

Compared to last Year

  • Raw Dividend income went up from $954 to $1017 an  increase of  USD $63 ,6% increase.

  •  Q1 2019 Dividend  is up by 20%  compared to Q1 2018.


My net worth increased by 2.4% compared to last Month.

So how did everyone do this month.



  1. CanadianPassiveIncomeApril 2, 2019 at 10:21 AM

    nice desi.

    That is a solid income! keep it up.

    3m is one id love to start a position in as well.

    hopefully it drops in price soon

  2. Good job, nice that you got over $1000.00 for the month also. Keep it up

  3. Excellent work Desi. I feel your frustration about the small positions. You want to add to them, but you don't want to overpay. I would do what you are doing in the meantime. Continue looking for undervalued stocks, regardless if you own the position or not.


  4. Thanks Bert ,Yes i am taking some steps in next few few weeks to see if could do any thing about them

  5. Congrats on getting a four digit month. Can't wait until I see numbers like that. Great work.

  6. Don't remind me of how fast time is moving by. Where was Thanksgiving, New Year's etc. Seems like yesterday we were in deep winter. Congrats on four digits for the month. As always, nice to see a few names in common paying us both. Keep it up!

  7. Congrats on crossing the $1K mark! It's great that we are now both members of the 4-digit per month club! Keep up the great work! :)
