Monday, April 8, 2019

Recent Buys 5 - CVS,NLY,T,LADR

Some of the Buys in Last 10 Days made in my different accounts.

I added 28 Shares of NLY in my Rollover IRA account. All funds are from March Dividends. I made on the ex dividend date of 3/28.This will add another $33.6 to my annual Fund.

03/27/2019Bought 4 LADR @ 16.9277

04/01/2019Bought 3 T @ 31.7078

03/25/2019Bought 4 CVS @ 54.99

03/27/2019                     Bought 5 CVS @ 53.36

04/2/2019Bought 1 CVS @ 52.18

04/4/2019Bought 10 CVS @ 52.91


CVS shares will  add another $40 in my account .T and LADR will add $12 to my account.

So all these purchases will add $85 to my account.

So what all are you guys Buying  in the last few days.


  1. Desi -

    Someone's been busy! Congrats and keep chomping at more...


  2. Always love to see the buying continue. I'm looking at T this month too and CVS has been a hot topic among our DGI peers. Nice all around.

  3. Nice little haul. 85 in forward dividend is gonna pay dividends for years lol

  4. Yeah,Have been adding small amounts and March dividends Helped me.

  5. Yep,hoping to see if can add few more $ in this month
