Saturday, April 20, 2019

New Addition ---ABBV

I recently added ABBV to my account .This is a new position in my IRA account.I had it in my watch list for quite some time  and i had it a limit order at 80.50 till cancelled at the end of april  and it was executed this week. Had i waited 24 hrs more it would be more sweeter price.

22 Shares at 80.50 + 4.95 transaction fees  bringing the total to 1775.95 . This will add another $94 to my account .The yield at my buy  price is little higher at  5.3. Still have 3000 left for year to contribute.

Recently with WFC sliding ,it getting closer to my last bought price  and i just added 1 share in my  other account. Adding another $2 to my account.


Other Additions in  my 401K .

401k Adds


So what are you guys  adding in the last  few weeks.




  1. Desi -

    Nice job and congrats on continuing to stack up those divvies! Can always buy more when you can for ABBV at a lower price, if needed.


  2. Thanks Lanny,
    Yeah if it falls another 10% i will think of adding or maybe round it to 25 shares or so.
    I am thinking of Gild.

  3. Been adding small amounts ABBV, Duk WBA and others
    So easy to buy ABBV when it’s inder my original buy price and even easier when it’s under 80. I wish every stock cooperated like this

  4. Thats good way to go.I have been thinking of adding more T,GILD

  5. […] New position initiated in my accounts  ABBV,Added 22 shares on April 20th. and Second batch of shares added on June […]
