Thursday, July 4, 2019

June 2019 Dividend Report

Half of the year is completed and  Here are the dividends received for this month. For 2019 i crossed  1000 Dollars in dividend income 2nd time. 41 Companies Paid me dividend this month.


Compared with 2018 this almost  800 dollars less . This happened due to reshuffling of my Funds in my retirement accounts and smaller dividend payment from RERGX due to no capital gain distribution like last year. Last year my retirement funds provided $1529 vs $576 this year . Some of the funds in my account  doesn't pay dividends.


Overall its  not bad ,i like the progress happening in my Funds . Net worth Went up by 4%  compared to June 1st.



  1. Overall, not bad at all. Breaking four digits is an accomplishment even if the total was less than last year. As usual we share quite a few names paying us last month. Keep up the good work.

  2. Had a similar situation. My drop was slightly less. In your case your next quarters would get better. Keep going strong!

  3. Yep,its little disappointing ,but in overall scheme of things its not bad.

  4. The decrease sucks, but it sounds like the reshuffling is better in the long run. We were realizing the impact of lower capital gains distributions for funds as well. Kind of frustrating if you ask me!


  5. stinks when a company doesnt pay or shifts I have a mutual fund that does that, hasnt paid a dividend since 2015 though so it might be due who knows? Great job keep it up.
