Monday, July 8, 2019

Recent Buy --KR,MO,MMM

In the last few Days i added the following Positions in my account. All of them are existing ones ,KR is one of my smallest position .

14 Shares of KR added at $22.29 including commision of $4.95 .This will bring total shares to 24 shares and Will add another $8.96 to my account.

1 Share of MMM at $169.9 ,will bring total shares to 10 . This will add another $5.76 to my account.

2 Shares of MO at $48.9 will bring total shares in all accounts to 31.   This will add another $ 6.40

I will be watching ABBV for final purchase in my roth IRA account.  All these purchase will add another $20 to the account. These small purchases are slowly making impact on the account.


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