Friday, July 12, 2019

2019 Mid Year Check

Q2  2019 is in Books ,Here are some overall portfolio details.

Overall for Q2 my net worth increased by 6% .

  • New Funds invested : 2100 in Taxable accounts and 9700 in retirement accounts.Trying to max out 401K/Roth IRA.

  • 1 New position initiated in my accounts  ABBV,Added 22 shares on April 20th. and Second batch of shares added on June 28th .

  • Dividends received: Total Dividends received   Q1 :  $1744 ,Q2 : $1920 ,if  the next two quarters end the same with no new additional Funds ,2019 Dividend income will end at $7330.



Dividend Increases received in Q2 in my Portfolio :

  • AAPL

  • CAT

  • KR

  • JNJ

  • FLO

  • PEP

  • PG

  • TGT

  • O

These all will help me in achieving my goal .AAPL was my biggest increase with 100 shares.

Still trying to add ABBV to round it to 50 shares in my Account. All dividends are reinvested .

How Did everyone do in Q2.


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