Friday, July 19, 2019

Recent Transactions

This week i made the following additions and subtractions to my account.


7/15 1 Share of MO purchased $48.95

7/16 1 Share of WFC purchased at 45.70.

7/19 15 Shares of ABBV at $68.8 . This will bring total shares to 52 in my account . With this purchase i maxed out Roth IRA. This stock is the pick of DGI community now 1.

All these purchases will add another $69 in dividends to my account.

I will pause Buying for few weeks ,to get things in order.



  1. Desi -

    MASSIVE MOVES! Talk about a great addition to the dividend income going forward. Looking forward to seeing your dividend income pop!


  2. Great additions. I recently added to my MO position as well. I have been looking at AbbVie but just haven't pulled the trigger yet. These purchases made a nice impact on your PADI. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Nice moves,i think i will add MO if it stays in the same price range.

  4. Thanks Lanny,its will help in reinvesting.

  5. been buying MO recently havent added to ABBV in a bit but plan on it.

  6. Gotta like abbv with that divi, hope that yield holds! May add to that position sometime, just barely in the black still on it.

