Thursday, March 11, 2021

2021 February Dividend Income Report.

  Month 2 of 2021 is already in books . I received $485 in dividends this month .

 Compared to  previous year its good growth ,I removed  my 2020 sbux payment  for comparison.

Went from  less than $100 in total dividends in 2015 to now i have a company paying me$100 in dividends. AAPL with some dividend increases can start paying me in $100 in dividends.

 Compared to last year  some new positions initiated are  AMP,RY,JPM. WRK and AGNC reduced dividend Payout and the impact is small .

2021 Goal.: This year i am continuing my Goal of 11K in dividends. So Far i Collected $838 for 2 months which is like 7%  of the Goal.

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