Monday, March 1, 2021

February Options income.

 In the month of February i secured $485 in options income. This has been mostly on two stocks. One  is  SPCE ,which i own and have been writing covered calls since last year and Other stock i am writing cash secured puts for last few weeks.

Date Options Premium

16-Feb SPCE $60 Call 2/19 sell 42

16-Feb AMC $5 PUT 2/19 Sell 8

22-Feb SPCE $60 Call 2/26 sell 53

24-Feb AMC $8 PUT 2/26 Sell 65

1-Feb SPCE $67 Call 2/5 sell 110

3-Feb AMC $6 PUT 2/5 Sell 39

5-Feb AMC $5.5 PUT 2/12 Sell 63

8-Feb SPCE $67 Call 2/12 sell 82

8-Feb AMC $6 PUT 2/5 Sell 23

This Year My options premium collected.

January 2021 :   $64

February 2021 : $485 

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