Sunday, October 10, 2021

2021 September Dividend Report

  Q3 is in books and almost reaching the end of the year  and 82 days left in the year as of 10/10/2021.

 This Month i received $1737  in dividends and this is  good ,Almost  like receiving $60 daily  in dividends

Compared to 2020  dividends increased by $383 , some of them are like increased positions like AVO,MMM,JNJ and some in dividends increase and biggest of them is BBL  like $180 in increased dividends.

Looking at the monthly dividend charts  Quarter ends are my biggest months

Year over September Dividend Growth

2021 Dividend Goal:

This year i had a dividend goal of 11K and so far i received $8500 in dividends and i am at 77% of the goal. I think i am on track  to meet my goal .So far   i received more than 50K in dividends in last 8 years.

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