Another month in books and it marks the end of second quarter.This Pie chart refers to monthly Dividend Income. June is my second Highest month so far after March,I had one additional company pay me in march which is semi yearly.
The total Dividend Income received for the month of June is $446.In the state of Texas ,its almost 61 hours of pay.Instead of me or my spouse working ,my money is working for us.This $446 will definitely cover the grocery Bill for the us and maybe some other small utility. This is the second month in 2017 where i crossed $400 in dividend payments.
Compared to last June it went from 326 to 446,some of it is due to dividend increases and other is due to new capital invested in the market.
So how did you guys do this month,the numbers should be nice,as the months of March,June,September and December are some of the biggest payment months.