Due to loyal3 closing down i sold Some of my positions like KSS,YUMC,YUM,AXP and Moving remaining positions into my scottrade account.
This month 11 Companies and Fundrise paid me dividend a total of $194.64
Date Company Dividend
4/3/2017 TIS 0.7
4/3/2017 KO 7.94
4/3/2017 WMT 8.43
4/5/2017 BCS 10.01
4/7/2017 AGNC 2.73
4/14/2017 STWD 53.28
4/17/2017 O 5.28
4/17/2017 CXW 21.42
4/25/2017 DG 2.6
4/26/2017 CSCO 14.79
27-Apr BNS 28.02

Just for comparison my last 3 years dividends.Compared to last my dividend increased by 47%.

So how did you guys do April.