Friday, January 3, 2020

2019 December Dividend Report

2019 Also completed and this is 3 years since i started reporting my dividends.This month is a new record for me for the month of December. I received total dividends of $2688. This is the first time i crossed 2k in Dividends for a month . 89% of the dividends were from retirements accounts.

Total dividends received this year is 9.1k.

With all the dividends received since i started tracking dividends is 35k.


Biggest contributor for this month is RERGX with almost like 1340 and 50% of my dividends.

Dividends received over the  years.

Compared to last years dividend ,dividend went up by 35%


Thanks to dividend hikes and new money invested  and dividend is snowballing slowly.

so how did everyone do this december.


  1. You crushed it this December! Congrats on a record month! Cool we both ended the year with $9000+ dividends. Great way to begin a new year! Keep up the great work! :)

  2. Wow what a month! I had to re-read that... almost $2700 is INSANE! Way to go and hoping you have a great 2020.


  3. Thanks,it was good month and lot of the Funds paid ,normally my quarter end are bigger numbers

  4. Thanks,hopefully we move into 10k range this year.

  5. Nice month! It's good to see we share many of the same companies. Blogs like yours keeps me on the right path!

