Thursday, March 26, 2020


With so much Variation in market ,i am buying shares from the dividends received ,No New Funds added other small capital to round of the shares.IT almost looks like i buy and the price goes down more.

Run Date Symbol Security Description Quantity Price ($)
 03/26/2020  BA  BOEING CO COM USD5.00 0.682 175.89
 03/25/2020  DFS  DISCOVER FINL SVCS 0.261 38.73
 03/25/2020  DFS  DISCOVER FINL SVCS 1 38.57
 03/20/2020  MO  ALTRIA GROUP INC 0.296 35.03
 03/20/2020  MO  ALTRIA GROUP INC 1 35.02
 03/20/2020  PRU  PRUDENTIAL FINL INC 0.175 43.91
 03/20/2020  PRU  PRUDENTIAL FINL INC 1 43.91
 03/16/2020  WFC  WELLS FARGO CO NEW COM 0.851 27.78

03/25/2020  10:43:57Bought 3 VTR @ 27.46
03/23/2020  09:51:24Bought 1 T @ 26.73

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

recent Buys

In last 2 weeks,i have made some purchases with dividends received in my account.
looks like could have got some better prices,but we cant time the market.

RobinHood Purchases
3/6 2 share of WRK  @30.23
3/13 2 shares of STWD @16.92

I am loving fidelity fractional share purchases and as you can see i am making quite a few  of them in last few days. May be i will make a token purchase of BRK A.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

New Buys

Today i added following purchases in my accounts from the dividends received.

I am averaging down the purchasing price  on AVGO and RDS.B

Sunday, March 1, 2020

2020 Feb Dividend Report

Month 2 is in books and quickly time is almost approaching quarter end. This month i have been paid by 16 companies .
Total Dividends received for this month is  $445.76. Compared to last February this is like 30% more . Its almost like $15 received everyday of the month. 
Looking at the numbers from last year we can see the impact of dividend increases on AAPL,CAT  and New additions made in last year .

ATT is approaching $100 dividends in Quarter that is  really Good.
AAPL,CAT,ABBV are also contributing significantly. 

Some of the new stocks  in this report compared to last Year are Abbv,MA,GD.


2020 Dividend Goals:
This Year the goal is to achieve 11k in Dividends .So far i  have received 7.4% of the Goal.
So how did everyone do this Month.
