Slowly I have been dipping into Options and sold my first covered calls for AAPL starting from September after the split.
Sold one more covered call for $15 ASPS with October 16 ,2020 expiration for $50,this brought my average down to 9.03.
Slowly I have been dipping into Options and sold my first covered calls for AAPL starting from September after the split.
August month 8 is in Books and time is flying even quicker. I have received dividends from 21 companies this month across my accounts.
I received $502 in dividends this month and its a new record for me for the month of august even with big cuts in WFC. Compared to last August its an increase of 16%. With AAPL/T/CAT being the biggest payers.
As seen it has been good growth for the last few years .Hope Everyone had a good August.