Monday, November 16, 2020

Buys ---MMM,CVS,MA

 Recently added MMM and few others to average out the position 

Total of 1800 was spent in   these purchases .These will add another $60 to dividends if there are no Cuts.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

October Dividend Income

 One more month is completed and we are less than 2 months from New Year. This month I received  over $400 in dividends.I have been slowly building position in MO.

Compared  to 2019 October it is up by 26%.Even with dividend Cuts in few companies.


2020 Goal: I had a goal of 11K in dividends for 2020 and  so far I am at 62% of the goal. If  I receive similar income as last for the last 2 months I will be at 10k. It will be interesting to see.

How did you guys do.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Recent Buys

 I have been very slow in adding new funds to my trading accounts other than dividend reinvestments.

Here are some of the stocks that i added  ,all of them are existing positions.

A total of $485 are added these past few weeks. Mostly trying to average down positions.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

September 2020 Dividends

 Q3 Completed  and I have received over $1300 in dividends from Multiple companies  .

Again New record for September even with  dividend cuts in WFC .

Biggest Payers  are DFS,LMT,GILD from stocks and VMCPX from Funds.


Compared to 2019 September  my dividends went up by 14% which is lot better than decrease.

Looking back its good to see the growth in the dividends reaching 4 digits in 2019 and continuing 2020.

September Dividends

2020 Goal: 

I had a goal 11K in dividends for this year, so far i collected 58% of the Goal .It will be difficult unless i add some huge amount of new funds .Lets see where i will end.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Expired options

 Slowly I have been dipping into Options and  sold my first covered calls for AAPL  starting from September after the split.

Sold one more covered call for $15 ASPS with October 16 ,2020 expiration for $50,this brought  my average down to 9.03.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Recent Buys ----MO,BNS

 I have been on slow down for buys. Some of  my buys are CSCO,BNS,MO.

Monday, September 7, 2020

August Dividends

 August  month 8 is in Books and  time is flying even quicker. I have received dividends from 21 companies this month across my accounts.

I received $502 in dividends this month and its a new record for me for the month of august even with big cuts in WFC. Compared to last August  its an increase of 16%. With AAPL/T/CAT being the biggest payers.

As seen it has been good growth for the last few years .

I crossed 5K dividends with this month dividends.I had a Goal of 11K Dividends for this year and with all these cuts it will be a tough ask,as of this month i reached 46% of goal. If i received same amount of dividends for the last 4 months i will be  9.7K.  

Hope Everyone had a good August.
