This year i picked a bond from our options BHYIX and started adding funds in RERGX.

All those funds will add around $50 in dividends.
In my regular trading account added 5 shares of LADR @ 17.95 this is more than i wanted to pay and i had few trades expiring in the account ,so made the purchase. This is a new position which i like build out using the dividends received in the account. This will add another $11 to the annual fund.
Most of new funds will added either in my robinhood Account and Roth Ira account.
So over all i will add another $61 to my annual Funds from these new purchases.
Nice extra income Desi! I'm assuming those are all low cost vanguard funds as well. You'll enjoy some nice averaging with those purchase as well.
These are best ones i have in my company 401k.