Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Buy -ITW

I added 3 more shares of ITW in my account . This will Bring my total to 5 shares.

3 Shares at $135.76  for a total of 407.28. This will add $12 to my annual Fund.

This month has been slow.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Recent 401K Buys and ITW

Here are some of the Buys Happened in my Account this month . I tried to rebalance mt 401k a little bit better.




This morning I bought 2 shares of ITW at 136.61 in my robinhood account.This is a new Position for me,will be waiting to add more to it ,when new capital is available. This will add Another $8 to my account.



Thursday, August 2, 2018


Month number 7 is on books and  it's our favorite time of the month ,when we share the previous months dividends. This Month i was paid by 16 Companies.

This month i received a total of $372.86 in my accounts.

[caption id="attachment_835" align="alignnone" width="265"]July Dividends July Dividends[/caption]


Compared to my previous year this is an increase of 57%.


Overall  Dividends for last  5 years  . Need to work on improving August and October Months the income in those months is low.

Yearly Dividends


Compared to last month  my Networth went by 3%.

So how did you guys do  in the month of July.
