Monday, April 29, 2019

Fundrise dividend & Dip Buys ---MMM& T

Last week i added 3 shares of MMM after it dipped .

  •  1 share of MMM was executed at an average price of $201.35.

  • 2 shares of MMM at 196.15.

  •  3 Shares of T at 30.32

This will add $23 to my account.
This month i received dividends from Fundrise  for Q1.

Q1 2019 Dividends: $37.31

Almost end of Month 4 in 2019.

So how is everyone doing.



Saturday, April 20, 2019

New Addition ---ABBV

I recently added ABBV to my account .This is a new position in my IRA account.I had it in my watch list for quite some time  and i had it a limit order at 80.50 till cancelled at the end of april  and it was executed this week. Had i waited 24 hrs more it would be more sweeter price.

22 Shares at 80.50 + 4.95 transaction fees  bringing the total to 1775.95 . This will add another $94 to my account .The yield at my buy  price is little higher at  5.3. Still have 3000 left for year to contribute.

Recently with WFC sliding ,it getting closer to my last bought price  and i just added 1 share in my  other account. Adding another $2 to my account.


Other Additions in  my 401K .

401k Adds


So what are you guys  adding in the last  few weeks.



Monday, April 8, 2019

Recent Buys 5 - CVS,NLY,T,LADR

Some of the Buys in Last 10 Days made in my different accounts.

I added 28 Shares of NLY in my Rollover IRA account. All funds are from March Dividends. I made on the ex dividend date of 3/28.This will add another $33.6 to my annual Fund.

03/27/2019Bought 4 LADR @ 16.9277

04/01/2019Bought 3 T @ 31.7078

03/25/2019Bought 4 CVS @ 54.99

03/27/2019                     Bought 5 CVS @ 53.36

04/2/2019Bought 1 CVS @ 52.18

04/4/2019Bought 10 CVS @ 52.91


CVS shares will  add another $40 in my account .T and LADR will add $12 to my account.

So all these purchases will add $85 to my account.

So what all are you guys Buying  in the last few days.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

March Dividend Report

Time is flying on 2019 and month 3 is in books. Its a new record for me for the month of March .My first 4 digit payment for March ever .Since the start of this year i am including all my accounts for Dividends.

I received a total of $1017  ,Majority of it coming from retirement accounts. Compared to last year one of retirement account to rebalanced and this cut me around $200 in dividends for this month,but still its  Good Month.

Total Dividend received this year is 1745.

I have been adding smaller amounts of shares in T,LADR, CVS,BA.

Here are the dividends received this month.


[gallery ids="925,926" type="rectangular"]

I am thinking of improving on some of these low number dividends ,but i feel they are super expensive   . For example Visa i paid 90 or so and now its close to double.I may add MMM  when it comes down a little.

Compared to last Year

  • Raw Dividend income went up from $954 to $1017 an  increase of  USD $63 ,6% increase.

  •  Q1 2019 Dividend  is up by 20%  compared to Q1 2018.


My net worth increased by 2.4% compared to last Month.

So how did everyone do this month.

