Monday, March 18, 2019


Last week i Bought the following Stocks,only Big one was buying BA stock.I have been eyeing for long time and last week with all the news it gave me a chance to buy.I could have gotten a better price but i can't time the market.

03/11/2019  Bought 3 LADR @ 16.8066   $50.420

03/12/2019  Bought 3 LADR @ 16.8149  $50.440

3/11/2019 Bought 3 BA @387.65  $1162.95

3/15/2019 Bought 1 GILD @65.32 65.32

I am looking at adding CVS/GILD in next few days.

These Transactions will add another $34 to my account.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

2019 BUYS -3 T,CVS

In the last few days i have bought shares of T and CVS in my robinhood account so no transaction fees.

Here are the transactions.

2/27 3 Shares of CVS at $58.97 for a total of 176.91.

3/4  8 Shares of T at 29.96 for a total of 239.68.

3/7 5 shares of T  at 29.90 for a total of 149.50.

3/7 5 shares of CVS at 53.41 for a total of 267.05.

3/8 2 shares of CVS at 52.25 for a total of 104.50.

So  in the last few days total of 940 are new funds are invested  in my account and now i am full position of T in robinhood at 100 stocks.

CVS my average price reduced from $65 to $61.46  .


This new transactions will add another $26 From T and $20 from CVS to my annual Fund.

Did any of the DGI investors added CVS in the last few days.

Friday, March 1, 2019

2019 February Dividend Report

Time is flying off in new year and this month i received dividend payments from 12 companies and the total i received for this month is $298.97  just little  over a 1 short on the 300 Number.

AAPL/T are  the biggest contributors for this month .They contributed almost 50% of my dividends this month . It's almost like receiving $10 a day  from the companies.

Here is the list of companies that paid me this month vs last year .Feb Dividends

if you have noticed for last few months i have been added few of shares of T  and now its bearing the fruit.

CVS added 3  shares yesterday @ 58.5 and dividends would show up in the May report.

Compared to 2018 its an increase of 20% .

Overall dividends received this  year so far are $728.28


So how did everyone do last month .

Friday, February 22, 2019

401K Buys-2019

Since the start of the year every weeks i have  been investing in the following funds  this year.I started slow compared to last year and i reduced the contribution amount.So far i have contributed  only 1400 to my 401k and not even started on the Roth Ira contribution.

This year i  picked a bond from our options BHYIX and started adding funds in RERGX.


All those funds will add around $50 in dividends.

In my regular trading account added 5 shares of LADR @ 17.95 this is more than i wanted to pay and i had few trades expiring in the account  ,so made the purchase. This is a new position which i like build out  using the dividends received in the account. This will add another $11 to the annual fund.

Most of new funds will added either in my robinhood Account and Roth Ira account.

So over all  i will add another $61 to my annual Funds from these new purchases.



Monday, February 11, 2019

2019 BUYS Part 2-- MO,T

This is the second Buy of the Year for me.

6 Shares of MO at 48.42  . This will bring the Total Shares in my account  21 and this will add $19.2 dollars to the account.

9 Shares of T at 30 and this will add another $18 to my account and i am coming close to a full position in my Robinhood account.

So these two purchases add  $37 to my account .


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Dividend Hikes -D,AFL,WFC

Following Companies in my account announced dividend Hikes.

Increase of Dividend in D increased my dividends by $7.47

WFC increased their dividend by .02c/share and this added another $6.15 in my account .

and the small increase in AFL by .01c/share added another 80 cents to the account.

ADM increased their dividend from 0.335 to 0.35  and this added another $1.14 to my account

GILD increases their dividend from 0.57 to 0.63 and this adds another $8.16 to my account.

So overall all these increases added $23.73 to my account.


Saturday, February 2, 2019

2019 January Dividend Report

Here are the dividends received for the month of January for all my accounts.

Again this month is  big record for me ,mainly due to BBL payment .I also received my payment from fundrise. So the final number for this Month is $429.

Total of 16 companies paid for me this month.


Fundrise paid $38.35


Compared to my January 2018 its close to 90% increase.

So How did you guys do this month.

