Friday, May 4, 2018

May Buys -AT&T(T)&GILD

Market being so volatile presented so many buying opportunities.I have decided to average down on AT&T stock,and so I bought 18 shares of ATT @32.80 for a total for $590. with i will have 102 shares of T in my account.
This will add another $36 to my annual fund.

Another average down i did was on Gild,bought 2 shares of GILD at 67.13

This will add another $4.56 to my annual Fund.

KMB,PG are on my list of Stocks .
PG I already own some shares at higher price ,maybe time to average them down.
KMB has been on my radar for long time,looking for entry position into it.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

April Dividend Income

Month 4 is in Books and almost 1/3 of the year is Gone.
This Month 14 Companies Paid me Dividends.
I have received a total of $264.42 of Dividend Income.This includes $33 received from Fundrise.
Following are the companies that paid me dividend in April 2018.

Compared to Last April my dividend income went up 36%.
so how did you guys do in the Month of April.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April Purchases

This month is the Tax Month ,for the first time in longtime i ended up owing taxes to Uncle SAM.
I am still continuing to contribute to 401k ,but i reduced the amount as i bought the house so i am just waiting to see expenses ,i will check in few months again to see what i could about it .

April 401k

Besides these i bought 1 VZ at 47.56 and 1 SO at 44.40.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

March Dividend Income

Its almost 5 days after the month end. Time to report the dividends received in march .I received dividends from 35 companies.Since this year i started reporting combined dividends from retirement accounts also.

There was some buys happened in this month Also.

Here are the following Companies that paid dividend to me.

Total Dividend Received for this Month are $1066.65
VTR Which paid me in 2017 March now pushed to April.

so how did you guys do this month.
We should see some big numbers this month from everyone in DGI Community.

Monday, April 2, 2018

April 2nd BUY -T

On 4/2 i added 5 more shares of ATT(T) at $35/share.This will add another $10 to my annual Fund.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Q1 Final Buy -AGNC

Just before the end of the Quarter i added few more share of AGNC in my account.
This yield rate is very high 11.42% I added 17 shares of AGNC.
This will add another $36.72 in my annual fund.These shares were brought by dividends accumulated in the rollover account.
As this a monthly Dividend payer and with my existing shares i will add half a share each month.
I will keep it that way for now.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Recent Investment --D

I picked Up D Again this is the second time i am buying.Now i can average my price down . Currently this is has been down since i bought.Also this is the pick of the DGI community now.

I picked up 12 shares of D at 68.09 for a total of 817.11 ,with this the total number of shares in D went to 22 and now my average price went down from $78.22 to $72.69 . This will add another $40 to my annual dividend fund.

What have you been picking up?
