Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Expired options

 Slowly I have been dipping into Options and  sold my first covered calls for AAPL  starting from September after the split.

Sold one more covered call for $15 ASPS with October 16 ,2020 expiration for $50,this brought  my average down to 9.03.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Recent Buys ----MO,BNS

 I have been on slow down for buys. Some of  my buys are CSCO,BNS,MO.

Monday, September 7, 2020

August Dividends

 August  month 8 is in Books and  time is flying even quicker. I have received dividends from 21 companies this month across my accounts.

I received $502 in dividends this month and its a new record for me for the month of august even with big cuts in WFC. Compared to last August  its an increase of 16%. With AAPL/T/CAT being the biggest payers.

As seen it has been good growth for the last few years .

I crossed 5K dividends with this month dividends.I had a Goal of 11K Dividends for this year and with all these cuts it will be a tough ask,as of this month i reached 46% of goal. If i received same amount of dividends for the last 4 months i will be  9.7K.  

Hope Everyone had a good August.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Recent Buys ----MMM,MO

Recently i started doing some trades in dollar values instead of number of shares.

7/28 Bought $100 worth of MMM share @155.69(.642 shares)

7/31 Bought $100 worth of MMM share@149.28(.669 Shares)

7/31 Bought 1 share of  MMM  @150.28.

8/13 Bought 5 shares of MO@ 42.75

I also added some speculative plays like RIOT,ASPS this month.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Expired options -SPCE.

 Since I bought SPCE at $38 Have been writing  weekly/monthly covered calls to recover some  of the capital.

SPCE 05/29/2020 Call $30.00   $3

SPCE 06/12/2020 Call $35.00   $7

SPCE 06/26/2020 Call $35.00   $6

7/16  SPCE 07/17/2020 Call $34.00   $15

7/16 SPCE 07/17/2020 Call $34.00   -1 Bought the call back before expiration

7/22 SPCE 07/24/2020 Call $35.00  $28

7/22 SPCE 07/24/2020 Call $35.00  -14   Bought the call back before expiration

SPCE 07/31/2020 Call $35.00     $53

8/3 SPCE 08/14/2020 Call $33.00   $40

8/7  SPCE 08/14/2020 Call $33.00   -$1  Bought the call back before expiration

Overall I recovered  around $140 dollars  from the capital invested.


Saturday, August 1, 2020

2020 July Dividend Income

Time is flying ,world is different ,Hope we get the treatment/vaccine soon. July is in books.
Overall 20 Companies paid me dividends this month ,From companies that paid me dividends in April
CXW completely Cut dividends and VTR and Fundrise reduced by  $25 each .

Overall dividends received in July are 416.32 which is a new record for the month of July Since i started tracking my dividends.

Compared to my 2019 July this is 13% increase with all these cuts.
JPM/CINF Are new additions to the portfolio.

July Month Comparison over the Years.

2020 Dividends.
Before the Pandemic i hoped to receive 11k  in dividends with increases,new addition of funds .
So Far i am at 42% of the Goal with 5 more Months to Go and i am starting to think it will be stretch Goal .
