Wednesday, December 4, 2019

November Dividend Report

November is in books and i got paid by 14 companies this month.Total Dividends received are $449.47 that's like $15 a day .Hopefully Next year november will cross $500.Total Dividends received this year are 6413.


T,AAPL my biggest payers for this month .

2019 Payees               2018 Payees

nov November Divided

Compared to last year dividends went by 59%. This increase happened by new shares in T,ABBV,BHYIX and some dividend increases.

Networth increased by 3.6% for this how did everyone do this month.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Recent Buys --CSCO,AMRN,WRK

Recently i added the following stocks in my robinhood account.

I added 10 shares of CSCO  after more than 3 years at an average price of $45.24. This will add another $14 to my account.

Another company i added recently is WRK. This is a new position for me ,added 11 shares at $39.38 and will add another $20.46 to the FI fund.

Last company i added is AMRN ,this is small speculative position . Added 10 shares .


New Dividend Payer:

BTG announced their first dividend payment of 0.01/Share. I have around 175 shares in this company,so its nice to get the dividend.



Saturday, November 23, 2019

401K Buys

As mentioned before my company was bought by Another company,that had better      401k  Plan.It was almost 3 months they since they stopped deduction due to merger and integration . Finally it was ready for us to contribute ,one benefit is  3% Match  which i didn't have in my previous company.

So i wanted to my max out my 401k  contribution for 2019  and decided to aggressively contribute to the new plan and try to catch up the lost 3 months. With that in my mind  and contribution made to old plan i  will max out if i plan correctly.

For  the first i own shares in the company that is going to manage my 401k plan.

so here are my new purchases i made  in the new plan,some of the existing names i have in my account.



So i added 11 shares of VIMAX a 5 star rated on Morningstar  which adds another $32 In dividends to the Fund.

Another addition is 37 shares of VTMGX and this add another $12 dividends to my Fund.


Now i have to rollover my old 401k ,i am thinking of either moving it into Vanguard directly or Merrill Edge they have nice promotions if you rollover 401k.

Anyone had experiences with either of them please share in comments.



Monday, November 18, 2019

Buy ----2019-S Enhanced Reverse Proof American Eagle silver dollar

As  you see this is not a regular buy of stock or ETF. It a limited edition silver coin that was offered on 11/14 at 11 am CST by the US Mint and it was sold out in less than 20 minutes. It was lucky for me  to get one of the 30000 coins.

This was my first ever coin purchase from mint on the release date.Previously i bought coins from Ebay APMEX store. The reason i got was out of curiosity and see if i could get one with such huge rush  . After some troubles with  getting the order and website crashing and refreshes i was able to order 1  and it was confirmed . Eagerly waiting for the coin to see if it worth the hype. Mean while the coin prices are going crazy on ebay  like this  or this one  ,prices are fluctuating between  400 to all the way 2000.


Will decide once i get the coin to either keep it or sell it.Does any of the DGI members collect coins ?.



Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Buys and Dividend Hikes.

Recent transactions include

11/1 2 shares of MO at $44.95

11/7 2 shares of GILD at $63.67

Dividend increases.

SBUX increased its quarterly dividend by $0.05 cents and this added an additional $10 my account.

ABBV increased its quarterly dividend by $11 cents and this increase added $22.88 to my account.

All these hikes and purchases added another $44 to my annual Fund.



Wednesday, November 6, 2019

2019 October Dividend Report

Here are the dividends received for the month of October 2019.16 Companies Paid me dividends this Months.I Crossed $300 for  October month for the first time. Total Dividends received are $329.61,its almost like receiving $10 everyday.


Compared to last year its increased like 60% .



Almost reached $6k Dividends  just $36 short.Current Projections show i will receive another $1600 in next 2 month,assuming no new additions in the my stocks with the total coming to 7.5k ,But will see some Dividends from New 401K  contributions.

So how did everyone do for the october Month.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fundrise Dividend

As usual  i received my Q3 Dividends from Fundrise on October 9th and  i reinvested the dividends  back into  the eREITs. I received a total of $37.47 . Compared to 2018 its 40 cents less.The main difference seems to be the advisory fees.







For this year i received  and overall dividends received.


Anyone else invested in fundrise or similar platforms.

