Monday, June 7, 2021

2021 May Dividend Report.

 Month 5 is in  Books and this month i received more than $500  in dividends.

T is one of the bigger payer and coming close second  is AAPL.

This may change as T announced some changes  starting early next year.

This year May dividends are less than 2020. Due to changes  in my portfolio that i made last year.

I sold out RY/BMO  position and re-added small RY position . GD position increased.

2021 Dividend Goal: Total dividends received  so far in 2021 are close to 3300 and its like 30% of my goal of 11k for this year.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

AMC covered call Option.

 As mentioned in other post i was assigned  AMC put at effective price of $11.92 after deducting premium. and I immediately sold a covered call for  for $14.5 when the AMC share price was $12 something . If you have seen my Monthly options posts I have been playing AMC weekly.

Finally as seen by everyone  my AMC call got called away after huge price increase in AMC. I was thinking of buying Back at some point but then it became too much like 2k to buy back my option. I let it go as i already Bought SPCE call back for $180.

So with small gain and after collecting premiums on Both calls i  made close $293.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

AMC put Assignment

 Last week i sold a AMC put for $13 for $108. As my earlier AMC call got called  away.

I was hoping the put wouldn't  execute and pocket  $108.

AMC closed at  the end of Friday  at $12.08. This is already better than my break even price  of 11.92 .

I Already sold a covered call for  this week  and it will be called away due to huge price rise in AMC stock.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

2021 April Expired Options

 Here are my expired options for the month of April.

I have been mostly selling covered calls on AMC,PLTR,SPCE .

This month for the first time i added GSAT. 

This month i collected $274 .

DateCallOption Premium
4/5/2021SPCE 4/09/2021 Call $34.0018
4/5/2021AMC 04/16/2021 CALL $1337
4/7/2021SOS 04/9/2021 Call $9.5015
4/13/2021SPCE 4/16/2021 Call $30.0015
4/12/2021PLTR 04/16/2021 Call $2724
4/14/2021SOS 04/23/2021 Call $8.5010
4/20/2021AMC 04/30/2021 Call $12.5020
4/20/2021SOS 04/30/2021 Call $6.0010
4/21/2021PLTR 04/30/2021 Call $25.510
4/21/2021SPCE 4/30/2021 Call $30.0025
4/27/2021GSAT 5/21/2021 Call $1.5903 calls

Monthly Income from selling options so far in 2021 is 1379.


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Dividend Increases --AAPL,DE,CVX,PG,JNJ

 I had some nice dividend increases in  the last 2  months in my positions.

DE,JNJ and AAPL gave me nice increases  with the latest dividend hikes. These new dividend hikes added $73 to my annual dividend fund. One position i like to increase is JNJ .


Total Dividend increases received this Year so far are $152.

So far this year it has been in finding decently  valued to add to my account.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

2021 April Dividend Income report

 April Month is  done and  time is flying very quickly .This month 19 companies paid me dividends and compared to last year  2 new companies paid dividends and  they are CINF and JPM.

Total Dividends received this month are $446.87 Compared to 2020 its almost like no gain.

As seen from the tables below they are some cuts that happened in my account and not fully returned like FXAIX,NLY and CXW. CXW i sold the company  last year and dividend income is not completely replaced. VTR also i sold part of the position.

Dividend Reinvestment:

Since early this year some of the  dividends are  being Dripped. This  month following dividends are dripped.

2021 Dividends:  So far till April i have received 25.3%  of my goal (11K Dividends),same time last year i was at 22%,so this year its progressing at better rate.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

2021 Q1 Review

 Finally After a long time i am reviewing my Q1 performance.

Net worth Increased by 8%,which is good.

For 2021 Q1 i received over 2300 in dividends  compared to over 2100 fore 2020 Q1.Last few years the growth  in dividends in slow. Most of the funds are going in non dividend paying funds . This year dividend Goal is 11k,i am 21% of the goal which is  little lower than where i want to stay for this quarter.

One New position RKT paid dividends this quarter compared to last year.

Even this quarter i am slow in adding stock positions or funds to account. I still have some $ left to finish 2021 IRA .

Another Achievement this quarter was we got both does of vaccine  and so far it s good.
