Friday, December 29, 2017


These are final Buys and Sells for this Year.I have Held TWTR since they went IPO,should have sold for profit when it was 70/share ,got greedy and didnt sell them.I Think i will add them after 30 days to my account.I had some nice gains and to compensate for it i sold them for a loss of $1500 over 4 years.
Bought 1 share of T at 39.1 and 2 shares of STWD  at 21.4.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Recent Buy/Sell -GBTC

This morning i decided to Buy GBTC on low and sell it.
Bought 3 shares at 2188 and sold them at 2324 For small Gain.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

I wish everyone of the DGI Community have Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Saturday, December 23, 2017


Many of you are aware,that i purchased 6 shares of GBTC few weeks ago. It had a good run and i decided to sell ,as not sure if should be more greedy.So sold all of them on Tuesday for Really Good profit.

Also i did buy again 10 shares of RIOT at 41 to test it out.Will see how this trade swings. These are my crypto stocks.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Final 401K Buys

These are Final purchases in my retirement account and taxable account.I can still buy from 1 paycheck,but they will be deposited in Jan2018.

401K Buys

VFIAX:  .94 Shares at $244.44 will add close to 4 dollars in dividend

PABGX: 0.81  share @95.52  will add close to 40 cents in dividend.

VIMAX: 0.41 Shares @ 190.84 will add around 1 dollars in dividends.

VSIAX:  2.7 shares @ 56.89  will add another $ 2.5 in dividends.

VTMGX: 16.5 shares @14.24 will add another $6 in  dividends.

A total of 750 dollars was invested this  period in 401K .

Two shares of T,With this Total Shares of T are 77.

This will add a total of $18 to my annual Fund.

Friday, December 8, 2017

DEC 401K Buys

These are purchases in my retirement account and taxable account.

401K Buys

VFIAX:  .96 Shares at $243.64 will add close to 4 dollars in dividend

PABGX: 0.81  share @95.36  will add close to 40 cents in dividend.

VIMAX: 0.41 Shares @ 188.84 will add around 1 dollars in dividends.

VSIAX:  2.7 shares @ 56.62  will add another $ 2.5 in dividends.

VTMGX: 16.5 shares @14.20 will add another $6 in  dividends.

A total of 750 dollars was invested this  period in 401K .

One more share of T,With this Total Shares of T are 75.

This will add a total of $14 to my annual Fund.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

November Dividend Report

Month 11  is in books and the time to report dividends.This month CVS started paying me dividend.This month 11 companies paid me $200.21 in dividends.

Date   Company Dividend
11/1/2017 T 27.93
11/15/2017 PG 17.24
11/15/2017 O 5.3
11/16/2017 AAPL 63
11/1/2017 DE 15.12
11/9/2017 AGNC 4.98
11/15/2017 NNN 2.85
11/15/2017 HRL 7.82
11/20/2017 CAT 39.45
11/1/2017 VZ 15.02
3-Nov CVS 1.5

Compared to 2016 November ,it is an increase of 68%.November
So how did you guys do this month.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Almost Final 401K Buys -VFIAX,PAGBX

These are purchases in my retirement account and taxable account.

401K Buys

VFIAX:  .98 Shares at $239.03 will add close to 4 dollars in dividend

PABGX: 0.81  share @96.28  will add close to 40 cents in dividend.

VIMAX: 0.42 Shares @ 186.42 will add around 1 dollars in dividends.

VSIAX:  2.82 shares @ 55.46  will add another $ 2.5 in dividends.

VTMGX: 16.6 shares @14.12 will add another $6 in  dividends.

A total of 750 dollars was invested this  period in 401K .

This almost final full investment and next  paycheck will be smaller buys,due to maxing out.

This will add a total of $14 to my annual Fund.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Recent Buys -T,TGT,GBTC

November has been slow month in terms of buying for me.

I started dripping into T and TGT .

Bought 1 share of T at 34.33 ,this will add 1.96

Bought 1 Share of  TGT at 55.10 ,this will add 2.48

and purchased 6 shares of GBTC at 940/share.

Both these purchases will add 4.44 to my annual fund.


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

401k Buys -PAGBX,T,VIMAX

These are purchases in my retirement account and taxable account.

401K Buys

VFIAX:  .97 Shares at $239.2 will add close to 4 dollars in dividend

PABGX: 0.81  share @96 will add close to 40 cents in dividend.

VIMAX: 0.42 Shares @ 184.42 will add around 1 dollars in dividends.

VSIAX:  2.82 shares @ 55.29  will add another $ 2.5 in dividends.

VTMGX: 16.4 shares @14.24 will add another $6 in  dividends.

A total of 750 dollars was invested this  period in 401K .

2 Shares of T are bought at 33.47.

This will add a total of $18 to my annual Fund.

Friday, November 3, 2017

October Dividend Report

Month 10 is in books and its that time of the month to report the  dividends for the last Month.

Total Dividends received for this month are $144.4 not including the fundrise dividend payout of 41 dollars.If its included the total jumps to $185.

Compared to 2016 it increased by close to 9%.


So how did you guys do this month.



Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Buy -T and Dividend Hike -VFC


With the share price of T down i added 12 more shares to my robinhood Account over 2 different days.With this the total number of shares i own for ATT is 69,trying to push it to to 100.

10/25/17 7 shares of T at 33.69 = 235.83

10/24/17 5 Shares of T at 35.05= 175 .25

This will add another $24 to my annual fund.

VFC has announced a dividend Hike of 10% ,since i own 52 shares this add another 8.32  to my annual fund, This is like investing  140 dollars in T.

So overall 32 dollars are added my annual Dividends.


Friday, October 20, 2017

Buys and Dividend Hike -CVS,PABGX


These are purchases in my retirement account and taxable account.

401K Buys

VFIAX:  .99  Shares at $236.62 will add close to 4 dollars in dividend

PABGX: 0.83  share @93.95 will add close to 40 cents in dividend.

VIMAX: 0.4233 Shares @ 184.54 will add around 1 dollars in dividends.

VSIAX:  2.81 shares @ 55.42  will add another $ 2.5 in dividends.

VTMGX: 16.55 shares @14.16 will add another $6 in  dividends.

A total of 750 dollars was invested this  period in 401K and additional 200 in robinhood.

Also Added small position in CVS  ,3 shares at $75.08 .This will add another  $6 to my annual fund.

Visa increased their dividend and this add another 3 dollars in dividend for my annual fund.This is like investing close to $160 in VTMGX.

This will add a total of $23 to my annual Fund.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Recent SELL

I have decided to sell my Position in GWW. Today this looks like Bad decision ,but i sold it yesterday @179.9.This was my biggest position  of 90 shares .

Reasons to sell was my house is getting closer to completion and i would need the money and the results for Q2 will be announced on 10/17.Decided to get out when i was in some profit.So overall i made close to 350 for 5 months .This will remove $500 from my annual dividend Fund.

I am removing the cash from broker and will go to my Account.

This sell is joining my infamous sells like NVDA,SCSS,ERIC.Where there is alteast 3% gain after i sell.


Thursday, October 12, 2017


I received my Q3 Fundrise dividend of $41.82 on 2000 investment last year.

The Split is as follows.

I reinvested all dividends back in the same eREITs.

For future i turned off the dividend reinvestments and will collect the dividends and invest in some regular REITs.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Q3 -401K- Final Buys

These are purchases in my retirement account and taxable account.with the market going up the amount shares purchased each pay period is going down slightly.

401K Buys

VFIAX: 1.0 Shares at $232.29 will add close to 4 dollars in dividend

PABGX: 0.84  share @92.31 will add close to 40 cents in dividend.

VIMAX: 0.425 Shares @ 183.69 will add around 1.2 dollars in dividends.

VSIAX:  2.81 shares @ 55.41  will add another $ 3 in dividends.

VTMGX: 16.7 shares @13.96 will add another $6.2 in  dividends.

A total of 750 dollars was invested this  period.

Getting close to the yearly limit .
This will add another 15 dollars my annual fund.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

September Dividend Report

One more month in book and just 3 more  left to round up the year 2017.

This Month income is my all time record for Single Month in my 2.5 years of Dividend Journey.

With this months income included i crossed  my 2016 Whole year dividend Income.

A total of 28 companies paid dividend This month to me.

Total received for this Month is $657.14

Total Dividends received in 2017 So far are $2766.12 with this i cross 2016 totals.

GWW paid me for  the first time this month.



This is 55% increase over my 2016 September.



So how did you guys do for this Month.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Q3 Final Drip Buys

Bought 2 shares of TGT on 9/29 using Dividends.
with this purchase i reduced the average price by 35 cents .
Total Number of TGT Shares in my account is 32.

This will add another $4.96 to my annual dividend Fund.

Friday, September 22, 2017

401k Purchases -VFIAX,PABGX,VSIAX

These are purchases in my retirement account and taxable account.

401K Buys

VFIAX: 1.01 Shares at $231.46 will add close to 4 dollars in dividend

PABGX: 0.85  share @91.283 will add close to 40 cents in dividend.

VIMAX: 0.43 Shares @ 180.71 will add around 1.2 dollars in dividends.

VSIAX:  2.89 shares @ 53.42  will add another $ 3 in dividends.

VTMGX: 16.8 shares @13.9 will add another $6.2 in  dividends.

A total of 750 dollars was invested this  period.

Getting close to the yearly limit .
This will add another 15 dollars my annual fund.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Sept 8th Purchases - T,FLO

With some of the dividend funds available i bought T and FLO in my accounts.

Bought 4 shares of T at 35.50 for 142 This will add another $7.96 to my annual fund.
Bought 1 share of FLO at 17.61 and this will add another 0.68 to fund.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September Purchases -vfiax,pabgx

These are purchases in my retirement account and taxable account.

401K Buys

VFIAX: 1.02 Shares at $228.59 will add close to 4 dollars in dividend

PABGX: 0.867  share @89.83 will add close to 40 cents in dividend.

VIMAX: 0.4387 Shares @ 178.21 will add around 1.2 dollars in dividends.

VSIAX:  2.98 shares @ 52.32  will add another $ 3 in dividends.

VTMGX: 17.1 shares @13.65 will add another $6.2 in  dividends.

A total of 750 dollars was invested this  period.

Getting close to the yearly limit .
This will add another 15 dollars my annual fund.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

August Dividend Report

One more month is in book and we almost coming to end of the year.College football season just started and my College (SMU) will start their season today.

For this Month 11 companies paid me for a total of $202 ,this a new high for the Month of August .Compared to 2016 this a 15% increase in the August Dividend income.
Big contributor for this month income is AAPL.

Year over comparison for the last 3 years.

How did you guys do this Month.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Recent purchases csco,BTG

I have 2 free trades expiring in my Scottrade account and had some funds from dividends.

So I purchased 5 shares of CSCO at 30.68 this will add another $5.8 to my fund.

Bought 6 shares of BTG at $2.51 to average down. My price.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

August Purchases -T,pabgx

These are purchases in my retirement account and taxable account.

401K Buys

VFIAX: 1.04 Shares at $224.59 will add close to 4 dollars in dividend

PABGX: 0.887  share @88 will add close to 40 cents in dividend.

VIMAX: 0.447 Shares @ 174.72 will add around 1.2 dollars in dividends.

VSIAX:  3.05 shares @ 51.19  will add another $ 3 in dividends.

VTMGX: 17.4 shares @13.47 will add another $6.2 in  dividends.

1 share of T at 38.18 this will add another 1.96 in dividends

A total of 818 dollars was invested this  period.

Getting close to the yearly limit .
This will add another 17 dollars my annual fund.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

How to buy Bitcoin,ETH,litecoin

The heading  says it's all.I have been meaning to try to buy Bitcoin for long time maybe 7 years or more.Never really took time the time to explore the ways to buy it until recently.

As many are aware that Bit Coin price zoomed up quite high.along with it some of smaller coins like lite coin,Ethereum. Bitcoin went up from around 900/coin to 3000 and Now its down to 2500 or so. Ethereum(ETH) went from $9/coin to 394/coin.Now there is  lot volatility in these markets.

From coindesk website you can see the charts.


Now i am not to make a big investments in these coins,but as mentioned before i want to get my hands on few of them.Lot of famous people either started accepting them or using them.

With all said i found that coin base is one of the website/app to buy the coin.All you need is to download the app and register and verfiy your id and then you are set to buy the coin.

Here is the first step in buying onlineScreenshot_20170812-084515
you can buy in almost any range and commission will be proportional for that.Screenshot_20170812-084538

I Bought some Lite coin and Ethererum coin.My current holdings in coinbase.

if anyone interested in using coinbase,leave me a message

Friday, August 11, 2017

Final July Purchases 401K

These are purchases in my retirement account .

401K Buys

VFIAX: 1.0251 Shares at $228.60 will add close to 4 dollars in dividend

PABGX: 0.8749  share @89.29 will add close to 40 cents in dividend.

VIMAX: 0.437 Shares @ 178.79 will add around 1.2 dollars in dividends.

VSIAX:  2.95 shares @ 52.89  will add another $2.3 in dividends.

VTMGX: 17.08 shares @13.72 will add another $5 in  dividends.

A total of 780 dollars was invested this  period,it will be the same next period.

Getting close to the yearly limit .



Saturday, August 5, 2017

July Dividend Income

Month 7 is in books and Time to report the July Dividend Income.

This month i received a total of $214,an increase of 57% compared to my last July.

Below is the progress for last 3 years.


$ 214 may cover 10% of my living expenses and currently if someone earning minimum wage they need to work 29 hours to earn it .

This month i initiated  new position in Kroger .\

So how did you guys do this month.

Thursday, July 27, 2017


As mentioned in the title,I bought 6 shares of NNN ,it was bought by dividend capital .No new capital was invested .They recently announced a raise of 4.4% and the ex dividend date is on July 31st.This might be the last buy for the month of July unless something pops up.

6 shares @40.23 +4.95 in commission.

This will add $11.4 in my annual fund.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July Retirement Purchases

These are purchases in my retirement account .

401K Buys

VFIAX: 1.0251 Shares at $228.62

PABGX: 0.873  share @89.4

VIMAX: 0.432 Shares @ 180.3

VSIAX:  2.9 shares @ 53.81

VTMGX: 17.27 shares @13.57


A total of 780 dollars was invested this  period,it will be the same next period.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Recent Buy -GWW

After the results were announced ,GWW went down more than 7% ,i was looking to average down the shares from my high price of 185/share.With that said i added 40 shares at different prices yesterday.Maybe i should have waited little more,could have gotten better price.

  • 7/19/2017   Bought 25 GWW @ $169.914 $4,247.85

  • 7/19/2017 Bought 15 GWW @ $164.3856 $2,465.78

These are the same funds from selling the NVDA.This will add another $204 to annual dividend fund.With the new purchases my average came down to 177.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Recent Sell

Today i sold out my position in NVDA,which was initiated last month. From the time i brought it was not a stock that i was going to hold it for long time.I was hoping to hold till my Down-payment for the house.But i was not comfortable with volatility on the stock.

There were no Fees as i had 10 free trades from my broker.Total Profit was $141.37

Now i will keep it in watch list to see if there a price i would like to get back in.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Kroger friday freebie

FREE Quaker® Overnight Oats Receive ONE (1) FREE Quaker®Overnight Oats, any variety (2.18-2.57 oz.). Available in most stores.
Exp 07/30/2017

Fundrise Dividend

I just received my Q2 Dividend This morning and i reinvested in the fundrise itself.

Total Dividend received this Quarter is $40.57 on 2000 Investment.

So Far Total dividends received from Fundrise since last June are $115.

The dividend is reinvested in the following eREITS.



If Anyone investing in fundrise,how are liking it so far.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Q2 Final Buys

As the title says these are the final buys for Q2.Some Drip Purchases and 401k Buys.

401K Buys

VFIAX: 1.05 Shares at $222.63

PABGX: 0.91 share @85.12

VIMAX: 0.44 Shares @ 175.29

VSIAX:  2.98 shares @ 52.35

VTMGX: 17.7 shares @13.18


Regular Account: Both these stocks are bought to average their price a bit down.

NVDABought 1 Shares of NVDA at $141.235


BTGBought 10 Shares of BTG at $2.775

so what are you guys Buying .

Monday, July 3, 2017

June Dividend Income

Another month in books and it marks the end of second quarter.This Pie chart refers to monthly Dividend Income. June is my second Highest month so far after March,I had one additional company pay me in march which is semi yearly.2017ye

The total Dividend Income received for the month  of June is $446.In the state of  Texas ,its almost 61 hours of pay.Instead of  me or my spouse working ,my money is working for us.This $446 will definitely cover the grocery Bill for the us and maybe some other small utility. This is the second month in 2017 where i crossed $400 in dividend payments.

Compared to last June it went from 326 to 446,some of it is due to dividend increases and other is due to new capital invested in the market.


So how did you guys do this month,the numbers should be nice,as the months of March,June,September and December are some of the biggest payment months.



Friday, June 30, 2017

kroger friday freebie

FREE Haribo Gummi Candy Receive ONE (1) FREE Haribo Gummi Candy (4.5 - 5 oz.). Offer includes Gold-Bears, Sour Gold-Bears, or Happy-Cola flavors. Available in most stores.
Exp 07/16/2017

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Recent Buy Kroger

This morning I bought 10 shares of Kroger at 23.16/share ,this name popped up on my list as Dividend Diplomats bought the stock.Dividend income from last 2 months is used to buy these stocks.

It costed me 4.95 to make this purchase and this will add another $5 to my annual dividend fund.




Wednesday, June 21, 2017


I have 2 buy periods in my 401K plan, this is the second buys for this month.

I initiated  positions in 2 new funds PABGX and VTMGX.With that mentioned,here are buys for this period.

  • $230 worth of VFIAX.

  • $78 worth of VIMAX,PABGX.

  • $156 worth of VSIAX.

  • $234 worth of VTMGX.


In addition to these i added 3 shares of BBL to average down my share price from high 40s.

A total of 890 dollars was invested during this time period.

So what are you guys buying now.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

free $20 worth of bitcoin when you sign up

Here is a link and if you signup using this link and follow instructions you get $20 worth of bitcoin.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Kroger friday freebie FREE Ocean Spray Mocktails Juice Drink

FREE Ocean Spray Mocktails Juice Drink Receive ONE (1) FREE Ocean Spray Mocktails Juice Drink, any variety (33.8 oz.). Available in most stores.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Dividend Hikes -CAT,TGT

2 of the companies in which i have shares announced dividend increases.

  • TGT increased from .60 to 0.62 for 3.3% hike.I own 54 shares so its additional $1.04 for me.

  • CAT increased from 0.77 to 0.78  .I own 50 shares so additional $.50  for me.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Recent Buy-- NVDA,STWD

On Friday,I bought 40 shares of NVDA at 162.This will add another $23 to my annual fund.They started paying dividend in 2012 and they have been increasing it every year.

1 Share of STWD at 21.86 was also purchased on friday.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Signed a contract to build a House

Finally  after 3 months of search we  found a builder and Plan that fit into  our liking . As the Frisco real estate market is hot and houses  which satisfy our requirements were tough to meet,for examples in this community out of the 30 or so lots available for this particular builder we found just 1 to be perfect for our criteria and 2 more workable.

This was above my upper limit ,but with builder incentives and realtor cashback we made it work.During the 3 months we visited close to 10 to 12 builders and different subdivisions,Some of them were above price range or the price/sq ft was above the market ,or not close by. We were about  to sign with the same builder,but a different subdivision and right at the moment i receive email form this property that they are opening new subdivision and would you like to visit, 5 mins later i reply with a time to visit and someone else already Booked that slot.

Even before we visited we prepared looking at the plot online, model to save time,we were so ready to sign the house without any price negotiation .

There were some hiccups like lot premium that was not on website .

After signing the house we went through design experience which will be another post.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

401K Buys

Reporting last buys for the month of May .

Last month purchases for Retirement Accountant

1.38 Shares of VFIAX at a price of 225.67.

0.44 Shares of VIMAX at a price of 177.8.

7.45 Shares of VSIAX at a price of 52.41.

A total of $781 is invested .What are you guys buying with the market High.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Frugal Living -Instacart Review

Name may sound  that i am not doing frugal living  by trying out expensive services,but after you read this you can see the  deal . Also  i love to try all new services like this ,when we were in California,i tried Amazon Prime Now,Grub hub,Hello fresh and Winc Wines.Most of the times, there is really good discount for trying out the first time.

As many of you are aware that T-Mobile is doing T-mobile Tuesday freebies.Some of the freebies are really nice like $2 movie tickets, 0.25 cents of gas/gallon etc.This week they were offering $10 off groupon local and i started searching how to use it on groupon and then i Found this deal which was offering 40 dollars worth of groceries for $15 Bucks.

Even better was is there is no service delivery fees  for 1 year,it  seems they might recently entered the Market or so. Currently few stores are in my market like Kroger,tomthumb or Costco.

We decided to try from Costco as we don't have Costco membership.There is definitely mark up on the prices by instacart.Ordering was easy and time slots /availability was good.

Overall I think we got 50% or more discount on the price.I don't think I will order again with service.It might work people who don't like to shop or have time to shop.

So what other services did the DGI community try out.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

May Dividend Report.

One more month flew away,May is in books.

This month I was there quite a bit activity in my accounts,involved some selling of positions and consolidating accounts. Initiated new position in GWW. Total Dividends for this Month are $195.61.Compared to 2016 May this is 17% more than last year.10 Companies Paid dividend this month.

Date   Company Dividend
22-May CAT      38.94
15-May HRL    7.82
8-May AGNC    4.73
1-May DE        15.12
1-May T           22.54
15-May PG       17.24
15-May O          5.28
18-May AAPL   63
1-May VZ          14.44
26-May SBUX    6.5



So how did you guys do last Month.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Kroger friday freebie

FREE International Delight One Touch Latte or Silk Almond Coffee Creamer Receive ONE (1) FREE International Delight One Touch Latte (12 oz) or Silk Almond Coffee Creamer(16 oz.), Any Variety. Available in most stores.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Loyal3 stock transfer

With loyal3 moving to premium model,I decided to  move bigger positions to my main trading account and close minor positions.

With that being said I started the process on may 5th and finally showed up in my account on may 19th ,it took close to 14 days.

Its missing the price paid so far.Need to follow up with Loyal3/Scottrade to resolve the issue.

Following are the shares transfered.

22 shares of KO.

22 Shares of DIS.

16 shares of MSFT.

17 Shares of WMT.

This should reduce the number of accounts to monitor by 2.

So where are you guys moving from loyal3.


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Recent Buy - T,VFIAX,VSIAX

With the price reduction of T,i added a total of 5 shares using my Dividends.

5 Shares of T at a price of $38.42 for a total of 192.11. This will change my total T shares to 50. The newly added shares will add another $9.8 to my annual Dividend.

1.42 Shares of VFIAX at a price of 218.96.

0.45 Shares of VIMAX at a price of 172.37.

7.62 Shares of VSIAX at a price of 51.21.

A total of $973 is invested .What are you guys buying with the market High.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Free RITZ Crisp & Thins Chips- Kroger Friday Freebie

This weeks friday freebie,
Free RITZ Crisp & Thins Chips Receive ONE (1) FREE RITZ Crisp & Thins Chips, any variety (7.1 oz.). Available in most stores.
Exp 06/04/2017

Friday, May 12, 2017

Recent Buy --GWW


This morning i made a purchase of GWW.Recently Lanny from Dividenddiplomats bought GWW and i decided to Add position in this Company.

I made a purchase of 50 shares at 185.68,this will add another $256 to my annual fund.

Whats do you guys think of my recent purchase.




kroger friday freebie

This weeks friday freebie at kroger

Free Lindt LINDOR Stick Receive ONE (1) FREE Lindt LINDOR Truffle Stick (1.3 oz.). Available in most stores.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Passive income -Regions Bank Bonus-$400

Earlier this year when I moved to STL to dallas,

I needed new bank account as my old account is from PNC Bank  and they don't have branches in Dallas.

Luckily there was promotion for regions bank ,if you open a bank account and follow these rules

  1. Open a new LifeGreen Checking Account by January 31, 2017 (New Checking Customers Only)

    • Use promo code 400MC3 during registration

  2. Make 10 Purchases w/ the Regions VISA Checkcard

    • Purchases must post within 60 days of account opening

  3. Enroll in Online Statement through Online Banking

    • Must enroll within 60 days of account opening

  4. Receive $400 Regions Bank Credit to your Regions account.

I did the deal and finally the bank bonus posted.

Normally I try to take advantage of these deals if they work out for me.

Even the PNC account in STL paid 300 to open account.

So DGI members do you take advantage of these offers,if so what was the best one.


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Recent Buys

I added another $625 worth of funds to my retirement account.
I initiated a position in a new Fund managed by Vanguard.

  • $250 worth of VFIAX at 220.69.

  • $312.50 Worth of  VSIAX at 52.72

  • $62.50 worth of VIMAX at  173.91.

These all purchases will add another $16 to my annual fund.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Recent sell-Eric

On 5/2 i eliminated my position in Ericsson completely mainly there was dividend reduction by close to 73% and there has been not much growth in the stock for the last few years and it actually went down.Then it was yearly dividend payout and Tax deductions .

So i sold out 500 shares at 6.61 .This New Funds will either be deployed or Move to house Downpayment Fund.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Dividend elimination TIS

This morning TIS announced dividend suspension and this is reduced the price and it's impact on my annual fund is very small I own just 3 shares.

Sunday, April 30, 2017


Month 4 is in books already for the year 2017.It was pretty Busy, Hectic Month.Taxes needed to filed ,this is the first time i think i filed taxes in April and almost on the last day of the deadline.Hopefully Next year i will file it early.I am happy i  am getting good refund,for this year need to adjust to maximize the deductions.

Due to loyal3 closing down i sold Some of my positions like KSS,YUMC,YUM,AXP and Moving remaining positions into my scottrade account.

This month 11 Companies and Fundrise paid me dividend a total of $194.64

Date   Company Dividend
4/3/2017 TIS 0.7
4/3/2017 KO 7.94
4/3/2017 WMT 8.43
4/5/2017 BCS 10.01
4/7/2017 AGNC 2.73
4/14/2017 STWD 53.28
4/17/2017 O 5.28
4/17/2017 CXW 21.42
4/25/2017 DG 2.6
4/26/2017 CSCO 14.79
27-Apr BNS 28.02


Just for comparison my last 3 years dividends.Compared to last my dividend increased by 47%.
So how did you guys do April.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


With loyal3 closing free trading,i decided to close completely one of my account and roundup shares in other account to transfer.
so here are the Buys.



I Think  i have some losses less than $100 on these sells.But didnt want to transfer ,so sold them all.With This i complete eliminated YUM ,KSS positions from my account.


Website Moved

I am in the process of changing Hosts for my website and moved to Wordpress.

Monday, April 24, 2017

First blog post

This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it.
